Form Shooting Drills

Form shooting should be done frequently even by the best players in the world. This is the opportunity to refine and realign your shot. Form is emphasized above all else. You should focus on your release point, getting the ball off your fingertips, making sure your off hand does not affect your shot, and making sure you are finishing high with a good follow through. Form shooting can be done in endless variations from different spots, different distances (should take 80% of your shots from 5-12 feet), using both hands to shoot, using one hand to shoot. Below are just a couple of examples of how you can utilize form shooting. Refer to basic or advanced shooting guides for additional guidance. All these drills can be done by yourself or with another player. Simple take turns or use different hoops if there are multiple players.


All these drills can be done by yourself or with another player. Simple take turns or use different hoops if there are multiple players.

Floor shooting

Lie on your back on the floor and shoot the ball straight up catching the ball when it comes back down. Concentrate on getting the ball up off of your fingertips and getting the ball on the seams when you catch & when you shoot.

Wall Shots

Stand approximately 6″ from a wall. Select one spot on the wall. Hold the ball in your shooting hand only. Concentrate on hitting the same spot on the wall with each shot. Also work on getting the ball up off of your fingertips and getting the ball on the seams when you shoot.

Backboard shooting

Stand approximately 3″ from the side of a backboard (so you are facing the thin side of the backboard). Select one spot on the backboard. Hold the ball in your shooting hand only. Concentrate on hitting the same spot on the backboard with each shot. Also work on getting the ball up off of your fingertips and getting the ball on the seams when you shoot.

With Hoop

Backboard shots Stand on the baseline so you are facing the side of the backboard. You should be 18″-24″ from the side of the backboard. Shoot the ball so it cleanly bounces off the side of the backboard and back to you. This drill ensures you are concentrating on a single spot. Concentrate on the shooting basics as mentioned in the introduction to form shooting.

Variations: Use only your shooting hand (do not use a guide hand)

Short shots

Stay approximately 5 feet from the hoop and shoot your normal shot with a great deal of concentration and focus from each of the 7-spots.

Variations: Use only your shooting hand (do not use a guide hand). Move to 8 feet, 12 feet, etc.

Knee shooting

Stay approximately 5 feet from the hoop and shoot your normal shot with a great deal of concentration and focus from each of the 7-spots.

Chair shooting

Place a chair somewhere between 3-15 feet (only very advanced players should go past 8 feet). Sit in the chair and shoot your normal shot with a great deal of concentration and focus. Concentrate on form. Note – This should not be overly difficult, if these shots require more strength than you have, you should stay with normal shooting as strength develops.

Variations: Use only your shooting hand (do not use a guide hand). Move to 10 feet, 15 feet, etc.

Back it up

Take a shot from one spot and move back one step with each make. If you miss two shots in a row from one spot you have to start over.