Flexibility – with band

Ankle rotation: Sitting with both legs out in front of you.  Place band around your waist on one end, and loop band around middle of the foot on other end.  Once band is in position, rotate ankle in full range of motion in either a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction.


Ankle inversion/eversion: Sitting with both legs out in front of you.  Place band around your waist on one end, and loop band around middle of the foot on other end.  Once band is in position, slide the leg that does not have the band wrapped around it’s foot, under the calf of the leg that does. (you could also use a foam roller to prop leg up) Hold the inside of the band firmly with your hand (the side of the ban between your legs).  Roll your ankle inwards then outwards, using the hand to provide resistance on the band.  Eversion is the same process, but the band will be held on the outside.


Ankle stretch flexed to extended: Sitting with both legs out in front of you.  Place band around your waist on one end, and loop band around the ball of the foot on other end.  Once band is in position, slide the leg that does not have the band wrapped around it’s foot, under the calf of the leg that does. (you could also use a foam roller to prop leg up) Hold the both sides of the band firmly with your hand.  Flex and extend your ankle (bring your toes as close to your body as far as you can, then flex them away from your body as far as you can.


Achilles tendon stretch: Sitting with both legs out in front of you.  Place band around your waist on one end, and loop band around the ball of the foot on other end.  Once band is in position, slide the leg with the band around it’s foot to towards your body so your heel is only 12-18 inches from your butt. Keeping the ankle in line with knee, the band should be held tightly with both hands against the leg just below the knee.  With the very back of your heel continually on the ground, pull the toes up and back towards your shin, then down towards the ground (with resistance coming from holding the band against the knee.


Hamstring stretch: Sitting with both legs out in front of you.  Loop the band around the middle of the foot on one leg.  Holding the band in both hands lay back onto your back, keeping the non-banded leg in front of you and relaxed (the knee can be bent).  Stretch the banded leg as far back as you can comfortably (the leg should be in line with your body and straight back, not off to the side).  Once the leg is extended (with toe flexed back toward the shin), and as far back as possible, put resistance on the band with both hands, and begin to slightly bend the knee on the banded leg, then extend the leg out again, you should feel a nice stretch in your hamstring.


Groin stretch: Sitting with both legs out in front of you.  Loop the band around the middle of the foot on one leg.  Holding the band in both hands lay back onto your back, keeping the non-banded leg in front of you and relaxed (the knee can be bent).  Stretch the banded leg as far back as you can comfortably, the leg should also be just to the side of your body.  Once the leg is extended (with toe flexed back toward the shin), and as far back as possible, put resistance on the band with both hands, and begin to slightly bend the knee on the banded leg, then extend the leg out again, you should feel a nice stretch in your groin (and also some in your hip, glutes, and hamstring). 


IT Band / Hip flexor stretch: Sitting with both legs out in front of you.  Loop the band around the middle of the foot on one leg.  Holding the band in both hands lay back onto your back, keeping the non-banded leg in front of you and relaxed (the knee can be bent).  Stretch the banded leg as far back as you can comfortably.  Now roll to your side a little, so the banded leg crosses your body.  Once the leg is extended (with toe flexed back toward the shin), and as far back as possible, put resistance on the band with both hands, and begin to slightly bend the knee on the banded leg, then extend the leg out again, you should feel a nice stretch in your hip & IT band (and also some in your glutes and hamstring).


Hip Stretch: Sitting with both legs out in front of you.  Loop the band around the middle of the foot on one leg.  Holding the band in both hands lay back onto your back, keeping the non-banded leg in front of you and relaxed (the knee can be bent).  While lying on your back, cross your legs, placing the banded ankle on the opposite knee. Use the flexed leg & pull on the band to push the crossed leg back toward your body in a rhythmic motion.


Hamstring/glute/quad stretch: Sitting with both legs out in front of you.  Loop the band around the middle of the foot on one leg.  Holding the band in both hands lay back onto your back, keeping the non-banded leg in front of you and relaxed (the knee can be bent).  Now roll onto your stomach, keeping the band in your hands just above your shoulder on the same side as the banded leg.  Slowly lift the leg up and back towards your head (allowing the knee to bend, but only minimally), then back down.


Overhead straight arm pull-down: Hold each end of the band with arms straight up, Keeping arms completely extended, pull arms straight down keeping them in line with your body.  The band should pass just behind the head.  Pull down until arms are perpendicular to your body (so your body resembles a cross or a lower case “t”).


Shoulder dislocates: Hold the band in front of you at waist. Lift the band up and then backwards over your head.   First rolling your shoulders forward, rotating the shoulder joint in the socket, making the backwards movement much smoother.  Then bring it back over your head to the front of your body.  As you bring the band back over, first “dislocate” or roll the shoulders backward, then bring the arms up and around.

This drill may be done with either a regular pullup grip or a “dorsal” grip. To perform the dorsal grip, simply grip the band with your hands turned thumbs out, as though you were going to do a curl. As you move your shoulders over the top, your forearms will rotate outward and place you in a dorsal grip.


Advanced shoulder fly: Hold each end of the band with arms out to your side.  At this point your arms are perpendicular to your body (so your body resembles a cross or a lower case “t”).  Allow arms to stretch backwards as far as is comfortable, then slowly move arms forward (arms still extended) all the way until they almost meet in front of you.